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Rydym wedi cadw rhai ffeiliau o'r enw cwcis ar eich dyfais. Y cwcis hyn yw:

  • Hanfodol ar gyfer y safle i weithio
  • Helpu i wella ein gwefan drwy gasglu ac adrodd gwybodaeth am sut rydych chi'n ei defnyddio

Hoffem hefyd arbed rhai cwcis i helpu i deilwra cyfathrebu.

Rydych yn edrych ar fersiwn wedi'i ddiweddaru o'r gwasanaeth hwn - bydd eich adborth yn ein helpu i'w wella.

Hysbysiad o Gontract

SME Skills Survey

  • Cyhoeddwyd gyntaf: 19 Ionawr 2017
  • Wedi'i addasu ddiwethaf: 19 Ionawr 2017



Cyhoeddwyd gan:
ID Awudurdod:
Dyddiad cyhoeddi:
19 Ionawr 2017
Dyddiad Cau:
27 Ionawr 2017
Math o hysbysiad:
Hysbysiad o Gontract
Mae ganddo ddogfennau:
Wedi SPD:
Nac Ydi
Mae ganddo gynllun lleihau carbon:


The WLGA is inviting tenders as the lead organisation on behalf of the South East Wales Regional Skills Partnership, LSkIP, to undertake a primary research project into small and medium sized companies in the Cardiff Capital City Region. The research will use a qualitative approach to understand current and future workforce skills needs, current training offer and future training supply.

Testun llawn y rhybydd



1 Manylion yr Awdurdod


Enw a Chyfeiriad yr Awdurdod


Efficiencies & Procurement, Local Government House, Drake Walk,


CF10 4LG


Richard Dooner

+44 2920468600


Cyfeiriad ar gyfer cael dogfennaeth

Fel yn I.1


Mae'n rhaid dychwelyd dogfennau wedi'u cwblhau at:

Fel yn I.1

2 Manylion y Contract



SME Skills Survey


Disgrifiad o'r nwyddau neu'r gwasanaethau sydd eu hangen

The WLGA is inviting tenders as the lead organisation on behalf of the South East Wales Regional Skills Partnership, LSkIP, to undertake a primary research project into small and medium sized companies in the Cardiff Capital City Region. The research will use a qualitative approach to understand current and future workforce skills needs, current training offer and future training supply.

NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at

The buyer has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via the Postbox facility. A user guide is available at

Suppliers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems.


Cod a Dosbarthiad yr Hysbysiad

73000000 Research and development services and related consultancy services
79300000 Market and economic research; polling and statistics
79900000 Miscellaneous business and business-related services
1015 Central Valleys (Merthyr Tydfil, Rhondda Cynon Taf)
1016 Gwent Valleys (Torfaen, Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly)
1017 Bridgend and Neath Port Talbot
1020 East Wales
1021 Monmouthshire and Newport
1022 Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan
1023 Flintshire and Wrexham
1024 Powys


Cyfanswm maint neu gwmpas y tendr

The project will be funded by the Welsh Government with an indicative guideline of the total cost being in the range of £25,000 - £35,000 (excluding VAT). This tender should include all costs including any expenses with the inclusive maximum being £35,000 (ex VAT).

3 Amodau ar gyfer Cymryd Rhan


Safonau gofynnol a'r cymhwyster sydd ei angen

An excellent knowledge of the South East Wales economic region as defined by the ten counties of the Cardiff Capital City Region.

Excellent experience in the research area of skills and training and be able to demonstrate knowledge of the five key sectors prioritised by LSkIP.

4 Gwybodaeth Weinyddol


Math o Weithdrefn

Un cam


Rhif cyfeirnod a roddwyd i'r hysbysiad gan yr awdurdod contractio



Terfynau Amser

Terfyn amser ar gyfer derbyn tendrau wedi'u cwblhau
     27 - 01 - 2017  Amser   12:00

Dyddiad dyfarnu amcangyfrifedig   01 - 02 - 2017


Yr iaith neu'r ieithoedd y gellir ei/eu defnyddio i lunio tendrau neu geisiadau i gymryd rhan



Blwch Postio Cyflwyno Tendrau

Mae'r awdurdod dyfarnu wedi nodi y bydd yn derbyn ymatebion electronig i'r hysbysiad hwn drwy'r Blwch Postio Cyflwyno Tendrau. Mae rhagor o fanylion ar gael yn

5 Gwybodaeth Arall


Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol

1. Overview

'The WLGA is inviting tenders as the lead organisation on behalf of the South East Wales Regional Skills Partnership, LSkIP, to undertake a primary research project into small and medium sized companies in the Cardiff Capital City Region. The research will use a qualitative approach to understand current and future workforce skills needs, current training offer and future training supply.

This research will be largely qualitative, building on recent skills and training analysis of large companies. The approach will involve a significant element of employer engagement to provide local, sector specific qualitative evidence. It will discover the company approach to short, medium and longer term forecast of changing skills needs, and their strategic approach to training a local workforce to meet demand. This will offer a view of companies’ ‘stickiness’ to the area, long term commitment to training and retention of a locally skilled workforce, engaging with local supply chain, returning money to the local economy.

LSkIP will use this primary research to enhance its regional employment and skills plan by:

• Building on its existing knowledge base derived from sources such as UKCES

• Engaging in a dialogue with small & medium sized companies with growth potential

• Understanding barriers to company growth e.g. skills, location and opportunity

• Understanding skills needs of companies to deliver/support local supply chains

This research will assist LSkIP in building a ‘Mittelstand’ approach to a local business and training eco-system mapping sector hotspots with training and skills provision. As part of the research project the contractor will then facilitate sector linked groups of companies to test the outcomes of the first phase. These groups may become part of the long term networks LSkIP is building to maintain long term relationships with small and medium size companies.

This work will be delivered over a very tight timeframe, and will include a variety of methods to ensure a higher than standard return rate. The focus for the research is on qualitative data obtained through face to face engagement built from a foundation of existing quantitative data. Initial identification and analysis of the target group of employers will use existing published research from Welsh Government, sector organisations and bodies. We do not wish to duplicate existing research which may already be available e.g. UKCES . However, this research may benefit from the project partners’ existing company relationships and access to existing data previously sourced within their own organisations.

For the purposes of this research small companies are considered as having a workforce of 10-49 people and medium sized companies 50-249. n.b. The research undertaken in 2015-16 looked at large companies in South East Wales with a workforce of over 249. Company breakdown indicated relatively limited numbers of small and medium size companies in South East Wales relative to the number of micro establishments. The research should test evidence as proposed by Dylan Jones-Evans of barriers to companies growing their business into the next level . Through this research LSkIP would like to understand the barriers to growth as experienced by small and medium sized enterprises, particularly relating to skills shortages, and training gaps.

Through its Employment and Skills Plan ( LSkIP has prioritised five sectors: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing; Construction; Financial & Professional Services; ICT and the Human Foundational Economy (Education, Health and Social Care), as employer, on which the research should be focussed. ICT is considered as a cross sector-cutting theme or technology including the creative digital economy. Advanced manufacturing includes food and pharmaceutical manufacture. The research is looking to learn more about gaps and shortages in specialist sector skillsets across these areas.

This research is intended to illicit additionality to existing LMI though taking a qualitative approach and allowing flexibility of response to recognise common and evolving themes.

To be addressed:

• Skills needs by sector:

o Advanced Materials and manufacturing

o Construction

o Financial and Professional Services

o Human Foundational Economy

¿ Health Services

¿ Social Care

¿ Education


• ICT is a cross-cutting theme to be addressed across all sectors.

• Other cross cutting sector skills

• Welsh Language skills/training needs through the medium of Welsh

• Location

• Size and growth projections

Where possible, there will be a good spread of local geography and demography across South East Wales ensuring engagement outside Cardiff and the M4 corridor, throughout the Valleys and the Heads of the Valleys areas. There is a particular interest in targeting organisations who have not previously engaged with skills surveys and who may welcome the opportunity to have their voice heard.

2. Methodology

2.1 Data Sourcing and Development

2.1.1 Initial identification of employers

• Development of a data set of a minimum of 250 small and 200 medium size organisations across South East Wales.

• The data set should reflect the sectors LSkIP has prioritised. The data set will be developed from existing sources, including Local Government and trade organisations (FSB and Chambers of Commerce etc.)

2.1.2 Agreement of a target list with client and partners

• Agreed target list from the data set, taking account of those for whom skills information is already available.

• Focus on the priority sectors including Advanced Materials & Manufacturing; Construction; Financial & professional services; ICT; Human Foundational economy including Education; Health and Social Care.

2.1.3 Sourcing of contact information

• Confirm email addresses for key contacts within companies and organisations

• Obtain additional contact information from LSkIP partner organisations.

• Confirm company ownership (including national) and location.

3. Skills and Training Research

3.1 Development

• Short questionnaire to be agreed with LSkIP (using lessons learnt from Large Company research) to attract commentary and help identify broad themes for interview face to face, phone, skype and identify SMEs with potential to be engaged with face to face.

• Survey to include complete contact information – particularly main workplace postcode

• Agree approach and development of sector and company specific prompts for face to face, ‘Skype’ and telephone interviews to elicit qualitative evidence

• Agree allocation of organisations who will be approached face to face or by visit, online e.g. Skype or by phone.

• Confirm remaining contact details through telephone follow-up.

• Use an approach which will allow for flexibility of response to recognise common and evolving themes.

3.2 Telephone follow up

• Telephone follow up to arrange appointments for face to face interviews

• Focus on ensuring balanced coverage is achieved from each sector.

3.3 Activity and Response (dependent on size of total data set)

• To include an agreed minimum of eight in-depth face to face interviews for each of eight areas with more expected in sectors of wide vaiation and/or high interest. Final content to be agreed when companies are identified.

• An appropriate distribution of responses per sector with a good north south geographic spread identified by post code with a final number of interviews to be proposed and agreed as themes and outcomes evolve.

• Map significance of company as a manufacturer, supply chain or service provider

• Work with LSkIP to agree approach and facilitate sessions with new or existing groups by sector to test research. It is anticipated that following an initial analysis of the employer interviews, the contractor should arrange and facilitate a series of between 5 and 7 group sessions with employers from each of the prioritised sectors to take place at the beginning of April. These will be used, in part, to give an indication of whether views and issues reported are common across the sector.

3.4 Qualitative Analysis

• The contractor will be required to clearly state how their approach will add value to the qualitative output of the project.

3.5 Outputs

3.5.1 Analysis of the qualitative interviews to highlight:

• Employer (changing) approach to training over time and for the future in the light of the changing skills environment and relationship with the supply chain.

• Concerns around specific sector skills issues (by job role/occupation) including demands, retention, gaps in provision and barriers to participation.

• Current and anticipated future skills challenges (skills gaps and shortages)

• Current training sources, including best to worst delivery methods e.g. shared apprenticeships, in-house academies, distance (on-line) and training.

• View of current training offer – is it fit for purpose, clear and accessible e.g. apprenticeships, in house, mentoring including quality of training

• Employee Welsh Language skills/training needs through the medium of Welsh

• What are the perceived barriers to growth for SME’s companies e.g. local supply chain issues, skilled workforce, management?

3.5.2 Final report

• A final report which summarises summarises views obtained from employer interviews including any primary source data arising for further analysis.

• Feedback from facilitated group sessions grouped by subject and sector

• Company names, named contact, description and SIC code with postcode in order for LSkIP to identify potential for specialisation and with express permission of the respondents for further follow-up, to be requested as part of the fieldwork.

• Report should outline the methodology used.

• A short lessons learned output should be produced.

• Proposal of cluster group membership

• Presentation of research data and other detail to be agreed with LSkIP with the expectation that this will take a short, medium and long term view.

4. Project Management and Delivery

4.1 Project Team

The project team will have an excellent knowledge of the South East Wales economic region as defined by the ten counties of the Cardiff Capital City Region.

The project team will have excellent experience in the research area of skills and training and be able to demonstrate knowledge of the five key sectors prioritised by LSkIP.

4.2 Project Management

The project management team will consist of:

The successful contractor with named researcher/s

Richard Staniforth, Senior Researcher LSkIP

Karen Higgins, Manager/Co-ordinator LSkIP

Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Programme Support Officer LSkIP

LSkIP will be involved in the employer engagement where applicable.

5. Indicative Project Costs

5.1 Organisation Lead

The organisational lead for this work is the Learning, Skills and Innovation Partnership (LSkIP). The project will be funded by the Welsh Government with an indicative guideline of the total cost being in the range of £25,000 - £35,000 (excluding VAT). This tender should include all costs including any expenses with the inclusive maximum being £35,000 (ex VAT).

5.2 Payment Schedule

The suggested payment schedule is for 40% of the project budget to be payable against fieldwork and on evidence of achieving 50 percent of target interviews and 40% of the project budget (or part proportionate to work completed) to be payable against delivery of a draft analysis/report, for consideration by the group sessions, by end March 2017. The remaining 20% payable on completion of fieldwork and on receipt of the final report which is planned to be received by the end of April 2017.

5.3 Payments

Payments to the successful contractor will be made in accordance with WLGA policies.

5.4 Ownership

LSkIP will retain ownership of all original data collected during this research, including the draft and final report. All completed questionnaires and transcripts of interviews will be passed to LSkIP on completion of the work. Research data identified as confidential will be anonymized prior to any publication. Research undertaken prior to the project, including data in the public domain will remain the property of the originating body.

6. Award of Tender

6.1Timetable (subject to variation)

Deadline for return of tender 12:00 Noon Friday 27th January 2017

Evaluation of tenders From 12:01 Friday 27th January 2017

Successful contractor to be informed Wednesday 1st February 2017

Agree Milestones with the Team First week of contract

Agree dates for updates fortnightly or monthly as agreed

Field research between February and end of March

Draft analysis for discussion End of March

Group sessions Early April

Draft final report mid-April

Final report End of April

6.2 Notification

Following LSkIP’s decision to award the work, the Partnership shall notify the successful contractor and arrange a meeting to identify those areas that need further consideration (if any) to be agreed by LSkIP and the Contractor and which will be appended to the contract prior to signature and shall form part of the contract between the parties.

6.3 References

Those tendering to supply two relevant and appropriate references to support their submission.

6.4 Criteria for Awarding the Tender

The successful tender is likely to offer the most comprehensive and effective proposal for evaluation within the time scale and within budget judgement of which will be entirely at WLGA’s discretion.

6.4.1 Evaluation Criteria

Tender evaluation will be undertaken by a panel and awarded on the basis of the ‘Most Economically Advantageous Tender’ [MEAT]. One successful bidder will be appointed to carry out the project following the evaluation process, which will consider the optimum value for money solution for delivery based on the proposals and quotations submitted and an interview with short listed applicants. A decision will be made on a combination of 25/75 split quality/price.

a. The experience and track record of the applicant – 10%

b. The availability and capacity of the applicant within the proposed timescale – 5%

c. The robustness and innovation of the proposed methodology and project plan to achieve the required delivery – 10%

d. Price. – 75%

Evaluation will be undertaken in two phases (phase 2 will be an optional interview phase to be implemented at the discretion of the WLGA):

Phase 1: All submissions will be assessed against criteria above to distinguish the rankings.

Phase 2: An optional interview phase may be applied at the discretion of the WLGA, to clarify matters of detail and ensure that bids have been correctly understood and no misinterpretation exists, in order to clearly distinguish the correct rankings. Phase 2 will only be applicable to a maximum of three of the top ranked bidders. Bidders will only be invited to clarification interview if necessary. In most circumstances such clarification will be sought firstly by written communication, in accordance with the WLGA procurement procedure rules.

Bidders will be expected, if required, to be available for interview in Local Government House, Cardiff.

7. Submission:

Submissions to be received electronically no later 12:00 Noon Friday 27th January 2017 to the National Procurement Website at

Please include the following information:

7.1 Experience to meet the criteria

7.1.1 Full name and contact details, CV’s and experience

The evaluators should be able to demonstrate a majority of the following criteria:

i. Experience of conducting skills assessments.

ii. Knowledge and understanding of the Small and Mediums size enterprises.

iii. Knowledge and understanding of the diverse communities of South East Wales and an understanding of the local economy in the Skills Partnership area.

iv. Evidence of capacity to conduct an effective evaluation within the time frame.


Confirmation that the project team will be able to complete the work within the extremely tight time frames set out in the tender document.

Confirmation that Welsh Government will have the right to use the information gathered as part of the research.

8. Contract Terms and Condition

Following the evaluation process the successful tenderer will be notified and a formal letter of engagement issued which will incorporate the WLGA’s ‘Terms and Conditions for Supply of Consultancy Services’.

The WLGA completely at its discretion reserves the right to appoint none of the tenderers.


Any published documentation which reproduces in full or in part the material produced as part of this commission will remain the copyright of the WLGA as will all preparatory research and background documentation. The work will also be the intellectual property of the WLGA and can only be used by the chosen consultant for other clients with the express permission of the WLGA. Full accreditation will be given to the successful consultant in published materials emanating from the research.

(WA Ref:61469)

The buyer considers that this contract is suitable for consortia bidding.


Dogfennaeth Ychwanegol

170110 LSkIP Wales Proposal updated v.7 final draft


Dyddiad cyhoeddi'r hysbysiad hwn

  19 - 01 - 2017


Categorïau nwyddau

ID Teitl Prif gategori
79900000 Amrywiol wasanaethau busnes a gwasanaethau sy’n gysylltiedig â busnes Gwasanaethau busnes: y gyfraith, marchnata, ymgynghori, recriwtio, argraffu a diogelwch
73000000 Gwasanaethau ymchwil a datblygu a gwasanaethau ymgynghori cysylltiedig Ymchwil a Datblygu
79300000 Ymchwil marchnad ac ymchwil economaidd; arolygon barn ac ystadegau Gwasanaethau busnes: y gyfraith, marchnata, ymgynghori, recriwtio, argraffu a diogelwch

Lleoliadau Dosbarthu

ID Disgrifiad
1022 Caerdydd a Bro Morgannwg
1015 Cymoedd Canalog (Merthyr Tudful, Rhondda Cynon Taf)
1016 Cymoedd Gwent (Torfaen, Blaenau Gwent, Caerffili)
1020 Dwyrain Cymru
1017 Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr a Castell-Nedd Port Talbot
1024 Powys
1021 Sir Fynwy a Chasnewydd
1023 Sir y Fflint a Wrecsam

Cyfyngiadau Rhanbarthol ar y Rhybuddion

Mae’r prynwr wedi cyfyngu’r rhybuddion ar gyfer yr hysbysiad hwn i gyflenwyr yn y rhanbarthau canlynol.

ID Disgrifiad
Nid oes cyfyngiadau ar y rhybuddion ar gyfer yr hysbysiad hwn.

Teulu dogfennau

Manylion hysbysiad
Dyddiad cyhoeddi:
19 Ionawr 2017
Dyddiad Cau:
27 Ionawr 2017 00:00
Math o hysbysiad:
Hysbysiad o Gontract
Enw Awdurdod:
Dyddiad cyhoeddi:
30 Ionawr 2017
Math o hysbysiad:
Hysbysiad o Ddyfarnu Contract
Enw Awdurdod:

Ynglŷn â'r prynwr

Prif gyswllt:
Cyswllt gweinyddol:
Cyswllt technegol:
Cyswllt arall:

Gwybodaeth bellach

Dyddiad Manylion
20/01/2017 09:45
ADDED FILE: Proposal Document - SME Survey South East
Tender detail

Blwch Post

Mae'r awdurdod dyfarnu wedi nodi y bydd yn derbyn ymatebion electronig i'r hysbysiad hwn drwy'r Blwch Postio Cyflwyno Tendrau.

Cyflwyno eich ymateb i'r tendr yn electronig mewn amgylchedd diogel.

Er mwyn creu ymateb electronig, cliciwch ar y botwm "Ychwanegu at fy rhestr Diddordeb" ar frig y dudalen.

Am ragor o wybodaeth am y Blwch Postio, darllenwch y canllaw i ddefnyddwyr:

Cwestiynau ac Atebion

Gofyn unrhyw gwestiynau y gall fod gennych ynghylch yr hysbysiad hwn i'r prynwr. Er mwyn gofyn cwestiwn neu gwestiynau i'r prynwr cliciwch ar y botwm "Gweld Cwestiynau ac Atebion".

Dogfennau Ychwanegol

Mae'r dogfennau ychwanegol canlynol wedi'u hatodi i'r hysbysiad hwn. I gael y dogfennau hyn, dewiswch enwau'r ffeiliau unigol isod.

Dogfennau cyfredol

docx46.59 KB
Gofyn am fformat gwahanol.

Dogfennau wedi'u disodli

Nid oes unrhyw fersiynau blaenorol o'r dogfennau hyn

0800 222 9004

Mae'r llinellau ar agor rhwng 8:30am a 5pm o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau'n Gymraeg.

We welcome calls in Welsh.