Disgrifiad o'r nwyddau neu'r gwasanaethau sydd eu hangen
Description of Goods, Services and / or Works required
Cardiff Council intends to appoint an appropriate contractor to build a new larger skate park next to Eastern Leisure Centre at Llanrumney to replace an existing skate facility. The existing facility is approximately 316m2. The Cardiff Skateboard Strategy identified this site for a new Neighbourhood’ Skate Park’, designed as a destination facility for the East of Cardiff.
The new skateboard will be a 1000m2 concrete skateboard park designed with a variety of ramps, rails, surfaces, and features for different age groups and abilities.
The construction will consist of:
1) Removal and demolition of the existing wooden/modular skateboard park
2) Removal and demolition of a section of paths, lighting, and landscape elements.
3) New Construction of 1000m2 concrete surface with associated ramps and formed concrete, steps,and other concrete formed skateboard features
4) New metal work
5) New drainage proposals, rain gardens, and associated drainage proposals
6) New trees, shrubs, meadow, grass, and associated landscape work.
7) New lighting
8) New tarmac and paver path around the perimeter of the skateboard park.
Please refer to the drawings, Specification and Bill of Quantities for the full scope of work.
The contractor shall be responsible for fencing and securing the site during the works, protecting existing trees in accordance with BS5837:2012, protecting the MUGA and access, developing a safe site management plan for working close to a busy Leisure Centre (including access to and from the site for contractors vehicles) protecting underground services (where applicable) and meeting their obligations under the CDM regulations.