Adran I: Awdurdod Contractio
Enw, Cyfeiriad a Phwynt(iau) Cyswllt
Asset Skills |
2 The Courtyard, 48 New North Road |
Exeter |
EX4 4EP |
GB |
Allen Williams,Project Manager
Mr Allen Williams |
07736438047 |
awilliams@assetskills.org |
Math o Awdurdod contractio a'i Brif Weithgaredd neu Weithgareddau
Adran II: Amcan y Contract
Teitl a roddwyd i'r contract gan yr awdurdod contractio
Building a Sustainable Training Infrastructure for the Built Environment |
Math o gontract gwaith
Math o gontract cyflenwadau
Math o gontract gwasanaeth
24 |
Prif safle neu leoliad y gwaith, man cyflawni neu berfformio
Mae'r hysbysiad hwn yn ymwneud â
Gwybodaeth am gytundeb fframwaith
(os yw'n berthnasol)
Nifer y cyfranogwyr a ragwelir yn y cytundeb fframwaith
Hyd y cytundeb fframwaith
Cyfiawnhad dros gytundeb fframwaith sy'n para am fwy na phedair blynedd
Amcangyfrif o gyfanswm gwerth pryniannau yn ystod cyfnod llawn y cytundeb fframwaith
Amlder a gwerth y contractau a gaiff eu dyfarnu
Disgrifiad byr o'r contract neu'r pryniant/pryniannau
‘Building a sustainable infrastructure for the Built Environment’. A Sector Priority Fund Pilot Project managed by Asset Skills and sponsored by the Welsh Government with additional support from the European Social Fund.
Project summary
Asset Skills will build on the experience gained in the delivery of our previous SPFP project to enhance the capacity of the infrastructure in place to ensure the sustainable delivery of apprenticeships and Green Deal/Energy Efficiency qualifications. We will, through the project, establish a sustainable network of providers who will become ‘Centres of Excellence’ as part of our UK Academy in Wales and who will deliver the qualifications in the Asset Skills sector post project through main stream funding.
To achieve this goal the project will:
• Recruit employers, learning providers and candidates to the programme
• Implement an effective procurement process through which providers will tender for funding to deliver the pilot programmes
• Develop partnerships with training providers to promote and provide long term solutions for training demand via mainstream funding after the conclusion of the SPFP funding
• Monitor and manage the delivery partners to ensure maximum successful completions by candidates
• Produce an evaluation report to inform on lessons learnt and sustainable routes for future delivery
Key learning points from the previous project have been:
• the positive impact of employer engagement
• the importance of contract management of the training providers
• the need for induction programmes and workplace support for candidates to increase the number of successful apprenticeships and qualifications achieved.
This project will also monitor performance, assess progress and report on outcomes with recommendations to inform training providers and the Welsh Government on the nature and content of employer demand.
The impact of the project will be significant in that it will create a sustainable delivery infrastructure for a new range of apprenticeships and qualifications, and produce a measureable benefit to employers by raising the skills levels of employees in the built environment and business services sectors, and influencing providers to incorporate these qualifications into mainstream provision.
Tender documents are available on line and can be downloaded at the Asset Skills website.
To apply please complete the SPFP 2 Tender Document and submit:
• 1 electronic hard copy, in Microsoft Word Format, to SPFP2@assetskills.org, PLUS
• 3 identical hard copies to Zena Smith, 2 The Courtyard, 48 New North Road, Exeter, EX4 4EP
All documents, in email and hard copy form, must be received by 5pm on Friday the 1st March 2013
All tenders received after this date and time will be deleted and destroyed.
Geirfa Gaffael Gyffredin (CPV)
80000000 |
Contract wedi'i gwmpasu gan Gytundeb Caffael y Llywodraeth (GPA)
Rhannu'n lotiau
A gaiff cynigion amrywiadol eu derbyn?
Maint neu Gwmpas y Contract
Cyfanswm maint neu gwmpas
Service Required Total PlacesSouth WalesNorth Wales
Deliver Foundation Apprenticeship in Pest Control, Level 2 29 19 10
Deliver Controlling Parking Areas, Level 2, (2916) 50 38 12
Deliver Award for Parking Enforcement Officers, Level 2, (1950) 71 50 21
Delivery of Level 1 Award in Promoting energy efficiency
to potential customers 204 160 44
Bids for smaller numbers of learners than those listed in the lots will be considered particularly where the bid offers regional coverage that might not otherwise be achieved. |
Amserlen dros dro ar gyfer defnyddio'r opsiynau hyn
Nifer yr adnewyddiadau posibl
Yn achos contractau cyflenwadau neu wasanaethau adnewyddadwy, amserlen amcangyfrifedig ar gyfer contractau dilynol
Hyd y contract neu derfyn amser ar gyfer ei gwblhau
- 03
- 2013
- 12
- 2014 |
Adran III: Gwybodaeth Gyfreithiol, Economaidd, Ariannol a Thechnegol
Amodau ar gyfer Cymryd Rhan
Sefyllfa bersonol gweithredwyr economaidd, gan gynnwys gofynion sy'n ymwneud â chofrestru ar gofrestrau proffesiynol neu fasnach
(a) is bankrupt or is being wound up, whose affairs are being administered by the courts, who has entered into an arrangement with creditors or who is in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure under national laws and regulations;
(b) is the subject of proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy, for an order for compulsory winding-up or administration by the courts or for an arrangement with creditors or is the subject of any other similar proceeding under national laws or regulations;
(c) has been convicted of an offence concerning his professional conduct by a judgement which has the force of res judicata;
(d) has been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authorities can justify;
(e) has not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which he is established or those of the country of the contracting authority;
(f) has not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which he is established or those of the country of the contracting authority;
(g) is guilty of serious misrepresentation in supplying the information required under the provisions of the Directive on the criteria for qualitative selection;
Capasiti economaidd ac ariannol
(a) bank statement and/or evidence of professional risk indemnity insurance;
(b) balance sheets or extracts of balance sheets;
(c) statement of turnover for a maximum of the last three years.
Capasiti technegol
Contractau sydd wedi'u cadw
Amodau sy'n Benodol i Gontractau Gwasanaeth
A gaiff y gwaith o ddarparu'r gwasanaeth ei gadw ar gyfer proffesiwn penodol?
A fydd yn ofynnol i endidau cyfreithiol nodi enwau a chymwysterau proffesiynol y personél a fydd yn gyfrifol am ddarparu'r gwasanaeth?
Adran IV: Gweithdrefn
Math o Weithdrefn
Cyfiawnhad dros ddewis gweithdrefn gyflym
A yw ymgeiswyr wedi'u dewis eisoes?
Cyfyngiadau ar nifer y gweithredwyr a gaiff eu gwahodd i dendro neu gymryd rhan
Meini prawf gwrthrychol ar gyfer dewis nifer cyfyngedig o ymgeiswyr
Lleihau nifer y gweithredwyr yn ystod y broses negodi neu'r deialog
Meini Prawf Dyfarnu
Defnyddir arwerthiant electronig
IV.3 Gwybodaeth Weinyddol
Rhif cyfeirnod a roddwyd i'r hysbysiad gan yr awdurdod contractio
Cyhoeddiad(au) blaenorol sy'n ymwneud â'r un contract
Cyhoeddiadau blaenorol eraill
Amodau ar gyfer cael manylebau a dogfennau ychwanegol
- 02
- 2013
Terfyn amser ar gyfer derbyn tendrau neu geisiadau i gymryd rhan
- 03
- 2013
17:00 |
Dyddiad yr anfonwyd y gwahoddiadau i dendro neu'r gwahoddiadau i gymryd rhan at ymgeiswyr a ddewiswyd
Yr iaith neu'r ieithoedd y gellir ei/eu defnyddio i lunio tendrau neu geisiadau i gymryd rhan
Isafswm y cyfnod y mae'n rhaid i'r cynigiwr gadw'r tendr
Amodau ar gyfer agor tendrau
- 03
- 2013
09:00 Asset Skills, Exeter
Adran VI: Gwybodaeth Arall
Nodwch a yw'r broses gaffael hon yn digwydd yn rheolaidd a rhowch Amcangyfrif o pryd y caiff hysbysiadau pellach eu cyhoeddi
A yw'r contract yn ymwneud â Phrosiect/Rhaglen a ariennir gan Gronfeydd Cymunedol?
Welsh Government, Sector Priority Fund Pilot
Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol
Gweithdrefnau ar gyfer apelio
Corff sy'n gyfrifol am y gweithdrefnau apelio
Corff sy'n gyfrifol am y gweithdrefnau cyfryngu
Cyflwyno apeliadau
Asset Skills will incorporate a minimum 10 calendar day standstill period at the point information on the award of the contract is communicated to tenderers. This period allows unsuccessful tenderers to seek further debriefing from the contracting authority before the contract is entered into. Applicants have 2 working days from the notification of the award decision to request additional debriefing and that information has to be provided a minimum of 3 working days before the expiry of the standstill period.
Gwasanaeth y gellir cael gwybodaeth ynglŷn â chyflwyno apeliadau oddi wrtho
Dyddiad yr anfonwyd yr Hysbysiad hwn
- 1
- 2013 |
Cyfeiriadau a Phwyntiau Cyswllt Ychwanegol
Cyfeiriad a phwyntiau cyswllt ar gyfer cael manylebau a dogfennaeth ychwanegol
Asset Skills |
http://www.assetskills.org/Wales/SPFP2013/SPFP2Tender.aspx |
Cyfeiriad a phwyntiau cyswllt ar gyfer anfon Tendrau/Ceisiadau i Gymryd Rhan:
Asset Skills |
2 The Courtyard, 48 New North Road, |
Exeter |
EX4 4EP |
GB |
Zena Smith |
01392423399 |
zsmith@assetskills.org |
Gwybodaeth Am Lotiau
Foundation Apprenticeship in Pest Control, Level 2 |
Disgrifiad Byr
Geirfa Gaffael Gyffredin (CPV)
80000000 |
Maint neu gwmpas
Deliver Foundation Apprenticeship in Pest Control, Level 2
Delivery Required
Deliver Foundation Apprenticeship in Pest Control, Level 2
Total Places 29
South Wales 19
North wales 10
Price range: £1600 to £2000
Pest control provides protection from the risks of pest related contamination and damage that can result in a loss of reputation and business as well as a significant fine. The UK pest control industry practices self-regulation. As a result there are significant differences in the way services are delivered by each company, ranging from the unskilled and liberal spraying of insecticides to the use of best practice.
The provision of this apprenticeship will provide employers with the opportunity to raise standards and ensure that personnel have an understanding of legal requirements relating to the safe use of pesticides and in particular green pest control methods. The apprenticeship will also help to develop important skills such as communication, customer service and numeracy skills
Research carried out by the British Pest Control Association shows that staff qualified to level 2 generate almost £260 a week more business for their employer and therefore receive better wages (BPCA, 2012); however, 36% of pest controllers have no qualifications or a qualification below Level 2 (Annual Population Survey 2010).
For further information please refer to the State of the Sector Report for the Cleaning Sector (Asset Skills, 2012) found at: http://www.assetskills.org/Research/LabourMarketInformation/LabourMarket.aspx
Syniad o ddyddiadau gwahanol y contract
Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol am lotiau
Gwybodaeth Am Lotiau
Controlling Parking Areas (2916), Level 2 |
Disgrifiad Byr
Geirfa Gaffael Gyffredin (CPV)
80000000 |
Maint neu gwmpas
Deliver Controlling Parking Areas (2916), Level 2
Delivery Required
Deliver Controlling Parking Areas,
Level 2, (2916)
Total Places 50
South Wales 38
North wales 12
Price Range: £600 to £800
Prior to the economic downturn there was a known recruitment and retention problem and the apprenticeship was considered vital to recruit new people into the industry. Since the economic downturn has created a new stability in employment the qualification will be used to ensure that staff retention levels remain stable once the employment market recovers.
The British Parking Association (BPA) report ‘Parking Sector Apprenticeships – Researching the Need and Scope’ (March 2010) recommends an apprenticeship in parking as a way for employers to establish a pool of people who are ambitious and ready to advance within the Welsh parking sector because they will have developed the right skills for the job. Until a Parking Apprenticeship can be developed this qualification is to be delivered bringing additional skills to those in the industry. According to the British Parking Association (BPA) workforce survey (2011) the skills most lacking within the sector were written and verbal communication skills and knowledge of the parking sector – all areas to be covered by the apprenticeship and addressed in this qualification..
For further information please refer to the Sector Skills Assessment for the Parking Sector (Asset Skills, 2011) found at: http://www.assetskills.org/Research/SectorSkillsAssessment2010.aspx
Syniad o ddyddiadau gwahanol y contract
Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol am lotiau
Gwybodaeth Am Lotiau
Award for Parking Enforcement Officers (1950) Level 2 |
Disgrifiad Byr
Geirfa Gaffael Gyffredin (CPV)
80000000 |
Maint neu gwmpas
Deliver Award for Parking Enforcement Officers (1950) Level 2
Delivery Required
Deliver Award for Parking Enforcement Officers, Level 2, (1950)
Total Places 71
South Wales 50
North wales 21
Price Range: £200 to £250
(N.B. This qualification requires an Employer Contribution at 30%, for SMEs or 50% for large companies e.g. Cost of course delivery £210. Asset Skills pay the provider £210 and will invoice SMEs £70 and Large Companies £105)
Prior to the economic downturn there was a known recruitment and retention problem and the apprenticeship was considered vital to recruit new people into the industry. Since the economic downturn has created a new stability in employment the qualification will be used to ensure that staff retention levels remain stable once the employment market recovers.
The British Parking Association (BPA) report ‘Parking Sector Apprenticeships – Researching the Need and Scope’ (March 2010) recommends an apprenticeship in parking as a way for employers to establish a pool of people who are ambitious and ready to advance within the Welsh parking sector because they will have developed the right skills for the job. Until a Parking Apprenticeship can be developed this qualification is to be delivered bringing additional skills to those in the industry. According to the British Parking Association (BPA) workforce survey (2011) the skills most lacking within the sector were written and verbal communication skills and knowledge of the parking sector – all areas to be covered by the apprenticeship and addressed in this qualification..
For further information please refer to the Sector Skills Assessment for the Parking Sector (Asset Skills, 2011) found at: http://www.assetskills.org/Research/SectorSkillsAssessment2010.aspx
Syniad o ddyddiadau gwahanol y contract
Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol am lotiau
Gwybodaeth Am Lotiau
Level 1 Award in Promoting energy efficiency to potential customers |
Disgrifiad Byr
Geirfa Gaffael Gyffredin (CPV)
80000000 |
Maint neu gwmpas
Delivery of Level 1 Award in Promoting energy efficiency to potential customers
Delivery Required
Deliver Level 1 Award in Promoting energy efficiency to potential customers
Total Places 204
South Wales 160
North wales 44
Price range: £200 to £250
(N.B. This qualification requires an Employer Contribution at 30%, for SMEs or 50% for large companies e.g. Cost of course delivery £210. Asset Skills pay the provider £210 and will invoice SMEs £70 and Large Companies £105)
The introduction of Government legislation, public awareness surrounding sustainability and the rising demand from businesses for greater operational efficiency has increased demand for energy assessment across the commercial and residential property sectors. These qualifications have been developed to provide the skills and knowledge to implement the government’s domestic Green Deal policy including: communications skills; observational skills; the ability to measure, record and report accurately; and knowledge of construction methods, materials and heating systems.
Green Deal is the British Government’s initiative which aims to encourage homeowners to install energy efficient devices within their homes. Green Deal is based on the principle that many energy efficiency related changes to properties will pay for themselves. To ensure that real savings can be made, the energy saving measures recommended for properties will need to be both appropriate to the age and construction of the property and correctly installed.
Research undertaken by Pye Tait Consulting (January 2012) indicated that the Green Deal is expected to offer scope for job creation as well as the safeguarding of existing energy assessor jobs. The government predicts that the energy supply chain could support 100,000 jobs, throughout the UK, within five years.
For further information please refer to the findings of our green skills survey (Asset Skills, 2012) found at: http://www.assetskills.org/Research/LabourMarketInformation/LabourMarket.aspx
Syniad o ddyddiadau gwahanol y contract
Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol am lotiau