Hysbysiad contract
Adran I:
I.1) Enw a chyfeiriad
Sheffield City Council
Town Hall, Pinstone Street
S1 2HH
E-bost: info@yorhub.com
Cyfeiriad(au) rhyngrwyd
Prif gyfeiriad: www.sheffield.gov.uk
Cyfeiriad proffil y prynwr: https://yortender.eu-supply.com/
I.3) Cyfathrebu
Mae'r dogfennau caffael ar gael ar gyfer mynediad uniongyrchol anghyfyngedig a llawn, yn rhad ac am ddim ar:
Gellir cael gwybodaeth ychwanegol o'r cyfeiriad uchod
Rhaid anfon tendrau neu geisiadau i gymryd rhan yn electronig at:
I.4) Y math o awdurdod contractio
Awdurdod rhanbarthol neu leol
I.5) Prif weithgaredd
Gwasanaethau cyhoeddus cyffredinol
Adran II: Gwrthrych
II.1) Cwmpas y caffaeliad
II.1.1) Teitl
YORcivil Major Works 2 Contractors Framework Agreement
Cyfeirnod: CM188
II.1.2) Prif god CPV
II.1.3) Y math o gontract
II.1.4) Disgrifiad byr
A framework agreement to serve all public sector bodies (and their statutory successors) and third sector organisations in the Yorkshire and Humber region and the Sheffield Local Enterprise Partnership region as detailed in the procurement documents. The works involved are principally civil engineering works, bridges/structure works, highway surfacing works, coastal works and flood alleviation works, including contractors design when required. In addition some building works may also be included. The full list of accessing bodies is detailed within VI.3. Principles of collaborative working and partnering will be key to the relationships under the framework. It is envisaged that 8 contractors will be appointed to this framework
II.1.5) Cyfanswm gwerth amcangyfrifedig
Gwerth heb gynnwys TAW: 1 000 000 000.00 GBP
II.1.6) Gwybodaeth am lotiau
Mae’r contract hwn wedi’i rannu’n lotiau:
II.2) Disgrifiad
II.2.2) Cod(au) CPV ychwanegol
II.2.3) Man cyflawni
Prif safle neu fan cyflawni:
Yorkshire and the Humber UKE and Sheffield Local Enterprise Partnership region that includes Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire (UKF1). Further details as set out in the framework procurement documents
II.2.4) Disgrifiad o’r caffaeliad
Main works include Integrated transportation works, highway works including new build, maintenance, repairs and related surfacing works, sewerage and drainage works including sewage treatment works (e.g. package plants and septic tanks), coastal works, flood alleviation and land drainage works, hard and soft landscaping including public realm works, sports and recreation facilities, environmental improvement and protection works, bridge works including new build, maintenance and repairs, other structures and structural work (e.g. retaining walls, reinforcement and earthworks), surfacing works including deep surfacing, patching and reconstruction, planing/ scarifying works, in-situ recycling of road surface product or other recycling techniques, specialist surfacing including coloured surfacing, anti-skid, surface texture and thin surfacing, some minor general civil engineering and / or building works and / building refurbishment works, river and canal works that may or may not be affected by the tide. Some ancillary works including design and construction of the main works, in whole or in part or input to the design process and some associated new building works and / or building refurbishment may also be included. The coverage for both main and ancillary works may involve all or any stages of delivery including design/ project preparation, site works and also providing advice and project management services associated with these services. It is envisaged that 8 contractors will be appointed to this framework.
II.2.5) Meini prawf dyfarnu
Nid pris yw’r unig faen prawf dyfarnu a dim ond yn y dogfennau caffael y mae’r holl feini prawf wedi’u nodi
II.2.6) Gwerth amcangyfrifedig
Gwerth heb gynnwys TAW: 1 000 000 000.00 GBP
II.2.7) Hyd y contract, y cytundeb fframwaith neu’r system brynu ddynamig
Hyd mewn misoedd: 48
Gall y contract hwn gael ei adnewyddu: Na
II.2.9) Gwybodaeth am y cyfyngiadau ar nifer yr ymgeiswyr a gaiff eu gwahodd
II.2.10) Gwybodaeth am amrywiadau
Derbynnir amrywiadau:
II.2.11) Gwybodaeth am opsiynau
Disgrifiad o’r opsiynau:
The framework has an initial term of 48 months and an option to extend for a further period of 2 years to allow the appointed contractors adequate time to recoup their significant initial investment in establishing processes and procedures that will deliver the improvements that the clients are seeking through this framework. These include Economic Regeneration, Carbon and Waste Reduction, Training and Employment initiatives, training of their staff to new ways of working, BIM, the Construction Playbook and Construction Innovation.
In addition there will be significant investment required from clients in undertaking the selection and evaluation process, and in particular the training of their staff and consultants to new ways of working. The partnering and collaborative working objectives that will form part of this framework may only be capable of being realised over longer periods of time than 4 years, not least because a number of Local Authorities may only start using this framework when their existing arrangements expire. Further details are set out in the framework documents.
II.2.13) Gwybodaeth am Gronfeydd yr Undeb Ewropeaidd
Mae'r broses gaffael yn gysylltiedig â phrosiect a/neu raglen a ariennir gan gronfeydd yr Undeb Ewropeaidd:
Section III: Gwybodaeth gyfreithiol, economaidd, ariannol a thechnegol
III.1) Amodau ar gyfer cymryd rhan
III.1.1) Addasrwydd i ymgymryd â’r gweithgaredd proffesiynol, gan gynnwys gofynion mewn perthynas â chofrestru ar gofrestri proffesiynol neu gofrestri masnach
Rhestr a disgrifiad byr o’r amodau:
As set out in the procurement documentation
III.1.2) Statws economaidd ac ariannol
Meini prawf dethol fel y’u nodir yn y dogfennau caffael
III.1.3) Gallu technegol a phroffesiynol
Meini prawf dethol fel y’u nodir yn y dogfennau caffael
III.2) Amodau sy’n gysylltiedig â’r contract
III.2.2) Amodau perfformiad contractau
Warranties, bonds and/or parent company guarantees or similar may be required. Collateral Warranties may be required. As set out in the framework tender documentation.
Works will generally be funded through public funds and grants. As set out in the framework tender documentation.
In the event of a group bid each company or firm in the bid will be jointly and severally responsible for the due performance of the contract. Detailed requirements are set out in the framework tender documentation
Section IV: Gweithdrefn
IV.1) Disgrifiad
IV.1.1) Y math o weithdrefn
Gweithdrefn agored
IV.1.8) Gwybodaeth am Gytundeb Caffael y Llywodraeth (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement:
IV.2) Gwybodaeth weinyddol
IV.2.2) Terfyn amser i dendrau neu geisiadau i gymryd rhan ddod i law
Amser lleol: 12:00
IV.2.4) Ym mha iaith/ieithoedd y gellir cyflwyno tendrau neu geisiadau i gymryd rhan
IV.2.6) Yr isafswm cyfnod gofynnol i’r sawl sy’n tendro gynnal y tendr
Rhaid i’r tendr fod yn ddilys tan:
IV.2.7) Amodau ar gyfer agor tendrau
Amser lleol: 13:00
County Hall
HU17 9BA
Gwybodaeth am bersonau awdurdodedig a'r weithdrefn agor:
Authorised officers of the contracting authority.
Section VI: Gwybodaeth ategol
VI.1) Gwybodaeth am ailddigwydd
Caffaeliad cylchol yw hwn:
VI.3) Gwybodaeth ychwanegol
Tender documentation is available only through the YORtender system at https://yortender.eu-supply.com/.
Please follow the link to register interest using the project reference no. CM188. All queries/ communications must be made via the YORtender messaging function within project reference no. CM188.
Public sector organisations that may access this framework subject to approval of the contracting authority include (but are not limited to):
- Local Authorities in Yorkshire and Humber, the North East (England), Lincolnshire,
Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Sheffield Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP) region (i.e. a local authority as defined in Regulation 1 and 84(1) of the Local Government Act 2000, Local Authorities and their Arms Length Management Organisations, including all County, City, District and Borough Councils, and Unitary Authorities. Details are available at: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Dl1/Directories/Localcouncils/index.htm and in Volume 1 of the Framework Documents
- Central Government Department and Agencies https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations
- Combined Authorities (as defined in Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009);
- Educational establishments (e.g. schools, school governing bodies; voluntary aided schools; foundation schools; any faith educational establishments including the Roman Catholic Dioceses and Anglican Dioceses, associated with the named Local Authorities including diocesan authorities; academies; free schools, city technology colleges; foundation partnerships; education authorities, publicly funded schools, universities, colleges, University Technical Colleges, University Purchasing Consortium, further education establishments; higher education establishments and other educational establishments).
- National Park Authorities https://www.nationalparks.uk/
- Internal Drainage Boards http://www.ada.org.uk/idb_members_map.html
- Registered Social Landlords (Housing Associations) https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/current-registered-providers-of-social-housing
- Police Forces http://www.police.uk/?view=force_sites
- Fire and Rescue Services http://www.fireservice.co.uk/information/ukfrs
- Ambulance Services https://aace.org.uk/
- NHS Bodies England: https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/
- Hospices in the UK: https://www.hospiceuk.org/about-hospice-care/find-a-hospice
- Third Sector and Charities in the United Kingdom:
- Citizens Advice: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/
- Projects commissioned by Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs)
- Also permitted to access the framework are locally delivered Public Service providers e.g. General Practitioners' Surgeries. www.nhs.uk/service-search/go/locationsearch/4
- The option is reserved for the framework to be used by projects funded by Section 106 and/or community infrastructure levy.
- Passenger Transport Executives: https://www.urbantransportgroup.org/members
- Humber Bridge Board: http://www.humberbridge.co.uk/
- Canal and River trusts: www.canalrivertrust.org.uk/about-us/our-regions/north-east-waterways
- Social enterprises within culture and leisure: www.sporta.org/member-directory
- Trusts, Charities, Social Enterprises, Mutuals, and Community Interest Companies: (i.e. organisations that have been established by the public bodies within the scope of this advertisement and/or where the contracting public bodies are trustees or partners of the Trusts, Social Enterprises, Mutuals and Community Interest Companies or any similar organisation).
Other additional Public Bodies operating in this Region but not specifically referred to may also use this Framework including successors to those organisations already identified and their subsidiaries. It is intended that the framework will deliver a significant proportion of the civil engineering and related works of these public sector bodies. However, these public sector bodies do not guarantee to award a minimum value or indeed any value of services under the proposed arrangement.
All financial values stated in this notice do not include VAT.
VI.4) Gweithdrefnau adolygu
VI.4.1) Corff adolygu
Sheffield City Council
VI.4.3) Gweithdrefn adolygu
Gwybodaeth fanwl gywir am y terfyn(au) amser ar gyfer gweithdrefnau adolygu:
Sheffield City Council will incorporate a standstill period at the point information on the award of the framework is communicated to tenderers. The notification will provide full information on the award decision. The standstill period, which will be for a minimum of 10 calendar days, provides time for unsuccessful tenderers to challenge the award decision before the framework is entered into. The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 provide for an economic operator who suffers or risks suffering loss or damage by a breach of the rules to take action in the High Court (England, Wales and Northern Ireland).
VI.5) Dyddiad anfon yr hysbysiad hwn