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Rydym wedi cadw rhai ffeiliau o'r enw cwcis ar eich dyfais. Y cwcis hyn yw:

  • Hanfodol ar gyfer y safle i weithio
  • Helpu i wella ein gwefan drwy gasglu ac adrodd gwybodaeth am sut rydych chi'n ei defnyddio

Hoffem hefyd arbed rhai cwcis i helpu i deilwra cyfathrebu.

Rydych yn edrych ar fersiwn wedi'i ddiweddaru o'r gwasanaeth hwn - bydd eich adborth yn ein helpu i'w wella.

Hysbysiad o Gontract

Evaluation of the UK Government funded Shared Prosperity Fund projects run by Wrexham County Borough

  • Cyhoeddwyd gyntaf: 11 Mehefin 2024
  • Wedi'i addasu ddiwethaf: 11 Mehefin 2024

Nid yw'r prynwr yn defnyddio'r wefan hon i weinyddu'r hysbysiad.

I gofnodi eich diddordeb neu gael gwybodaeth neu ddogfennau ychwanegol, darllenwch y cyfarwyddiadau yn Nhestun Llawn yr Hysbysiad. (NODER: Nid oes angen ymateb i Hysbysiadau Dyfarnu Contractau a Hysbysiadau Gwybodaeth Ymlaen Llaw fel arfer)



Cyhoeddwyd gan:
Wrexham County Borough Council
ID Awudurdod:
Dyddiad cyhoeddi:
11 Mehefin 2024
Dyddiad Cau:
12 Gorffennaf 2024
Math o hysbysiad:
Hysbysiad o Gontract
Mae ganddo ddogfennau:
Nac Ydi
Wedi SPD:
Nac Ydi
Mae ganddo gynllun lleihau carbon:
Nac Ydi


Wrexham County Borough Council (WCBC, the Council) wish to commission a suitably qualified consultancy to evaluate the delivery of the UK Shared Prosperity Funded (UKSPF) projects that have been delivered and managed by Wrexham County Borough Council. The work required will include the production of: a) A combined overarching synopsis report for the 5 projects addressing the points in the Specification b) A separate evaluation report addressing all the points in the Specification for each of the 5 projects: • Communities and Place Key Fund • People and Skills Key Fund • Sites, Premises, Feasibility and Capital Key Fund • Multiply Key Fund • Enhanced business support and the delivery of the business start-up/development key fund c) A minimum of 10 Case Studies (at least 2 from each Key Fund) d) The delivery of a presentation of the report to Members at a council meeting This work must meet all of the requirements detailed in the Specification and Invitation to Tender documents. Please see the Invitation to Tender (ITT) document available on eTenderWales.

Testun llawn y rhybydd



1 Manylion yr Awdurdod


Enw a Chyfeiriad yr Awdurdod

Wrexham County Borough Council

Commissioning Procurement and Contract Management Unit, Lampbit Street,


LL11 1AR



+44 1978292794


Cyfeiriad ar gyfer cael dogfennaeth

Wrexham County Borough Council

Commissioning Procurement and Contract Management Unit, Lampbit Street,


LL11 1AR



+44 1978292794


Mae'n rhaid dychwelyd dogfennau wedi'u cwblhau at:

Wrexham County Borough Council

Commissioning Procurement and Contract Management Unit, Lampbit Street,


LL11 1AR



+44 1978292794

2 Manylion y Contract



Evaluation of the UK Government funded Shared Prosperity Fund projects run by Wrexham County Borough


Disgrifiad o'r nwyddau neu'r gwasanaethau sydd eu hangen

Wrexham County Borough Council (WCBC, the Council) wish to commission a suitably qualified consultancy to evaluate the delivery of the UK Shared Prosperity Funded (UKSPF) projects that have been delivered and managed by Wrexham County Borough Council. The work required will include the production of:

a) A combined overarching synopsis report for the 5 projects addressing the points in the Specification

b) A separate evaluation report addressing all the points in the Specification for each of the 5 projects:

• Communities and Place Key Fund

• People and Skills Key Fund

• Sites, Premises, Feasibility and Capital Key Fund

• Multiply Key Fund

• Enhanced business support and the delivery of the business start-up/development key fund

c) A minimum of 10 Case Studies (at least 2 from each Key Fund)

d) The delivery of a presentation of the report to Members at a council meeting

This work must meet all of the requirements detailed in the Specification and Invitation to Tender documents.

Please see the Invitation to Tender (ITT) document available on eTenderWales.

NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at


Cod a Dosbarthiad yr Hysbysiad

66000000 Financial and insurance services
66170000 Financial consultancy, financial transaction processing and clearing-house services
73000000 Research and development services and related consultancy services
73200000 Research and development consultancy services
73210000 Research consultancy services
73220000 Development consultancy services
73300000 Design and execution of research and development
79000000 Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
79200000 Accounting, auditing and fiscal services
79300000 Market and economic research; polling and statistics
79310000 Market research services
79311000 Survey services
79311100 Survey design services
79311200 Survey conduction services
79311300 Survey analysis services
79311400 Economic research services
79311410 Economic impact assessment
79312000 Market-testing services
79313000 Performance review services
79320000 Public-opinion polling services
79330000 Statistical services
79400000 Business and management consultancy and related services
79410000 Business and management consultancy services
79411000 General management consultancy services
79411100 Business development consultancy services
79412000 Financial management consultancy services
79419000 Evaluation consultancy services
79420000 Management-related services
79900000 Miscellaneous business and business-related services
79990000 Miscellaneous business-related services
79996000 Business organisation services
98200000 Equal opportunities consultancy services
1023 Flintshire and Wrexham


Cyfanswm maint neu gwmpas y tendr

Contract period: 13th August 2024 to 2nd January 2025.

A fixed budget has been secured for this work. THE BUDGET AVAILABLE: Up to £60,000.00 (excluding VAT).

3 Amodau ar gyfer Cymryd Rhan


Safonau gofynnol a'r cymhwyster sydd ei angen

Please see the ‘ITT Wrexham SPF Projects Evaluation (Proc-24-55)’ Invitation to Tender (ITT) document and appendices.

These have been published and are available on the eTenderWales (Bravo Solutions) online e-sourcing portal, which can be accessed through this web address: You will need to be registered as a supplier on both Sell2Wales and eTenderWales. To access and download the documents you will need to be logged into eTenderWales and search for the Invitation to Tender (ITT). You can look up the tender with the following reference:

project_56425 - Evaluation of the UK Government funded Shared Prosperity Fund projects run by Wrexham County Borough Council

itt_110993 - Evaluation of the UK Government funded Shared Prosperity Fund projects run by Wrexham County Borough Council

Interested suppliers may ask clarification questions though eTenderWales and any tender submission will need to be uploaded though eTenderWales.

4 Gwybodaeth Weinyddol


Math o Weithdrefn

Un cam


Rhif cyfeirnod a roddwyd i'r hysbysiad gan yr awdurdod contractio

itt_110993; Proc-24-55


Terfynau Amser

Terfyn amser ar gyfer derbyn tendrau wedi'u cwblhau
     12 - 07 - 2024  Amser   17:00

Dyddiad dyfarnu amcangyfrifedig   13 - 08 - 2024


Yr iaith neu'r ieithoedd y gellir ei/eu defnyddio i lunio tendrau neu geisiadau i gymryd rhan



Blwch Postio Cyflwyno Tendrau

5 Gwybodaeth Arall


Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol

Please see the ‘ITT Wrexham SPF Projects Evaluation (Proc-24-55)’ Invitation to Tender (ITT) document and appendices.

These have been published and are available on the eTenderWales (Bravo Solutions) online e-sourcing portal, which can be accessed through this web address: You will need to be registered as a supplier on both Sell2Wales and eTenderWales. To access and download the documents you will need to be logged into eTenderWales and search for the Invitation to Tender (ITT). You can look up the tender with the following reference:

project_56425 - Evaluation of the UK Government funded Shared Prosperity Fund projects run by Wrexham County Borough Council

itt_110993 - Evaluation of the UK Government funded Shared Prosperity Fund projects run by Wrexham County Borough Council

Interested suppliers may ask clarification questions though eTenderWales and any tender submission will need to be uploaded though eTenderWales.

(WA Ref:142149)

The buyer considers that this contract is suitable for consortia bidding.


Dogfennaeth Ychwanegol


Dyddiad cyhoeddi'r hysbysiad hwn

  11 - 06 - 2024


Categorïau nwyddau

ID Teitl Prif gategori
79900000 Amrywiol wasanaethau busnes a gwasanaethau sy’n gysylltiedig â busnes Gwasanaethau busnes: y gyfraith, marchnata, ymgynghori, recriwtio, argraffu a diogelwch
79990000 Amrywiol wasanaethau sy’n gysylltiedig â busnes Amrywiol wasanaethau busnes a gwasanaethau sy’n gysylltiedig â busnes
79311410 Asesu’r effeithiau economaidd Gwasanaethau arolygu
73300000 Dylunio a chyflawni gwaith ymchwil a datblygu Gwasanaethau ymchwil a datblygu a gwasanaethau ymgynghori cysylltiedig
79313000 Gwasanaethau adolygu perfformiad Gwasanaethau ymchwil marchnad
66000000 Gwasanaethau ariannol ac yswiriant Cyllid a Gwasanaethau Cysylltiedig
79311000 Gwasanaethau arolygu Gwasanaethau ymchwil marchnad
79000000 Gwasanaethau busnes: y gyfraith, marchnata, ymgynghori, recriwtio, argraffu a diogelwch Gwasanaethau eraill
79200000 Gwasanaethau cyfrifyddu, archwilio a chyllidol Gwasanaethau busnes: y gyfraith, marchnata, ymgynghori, recriwtio, argraffu a diogelwch
79311200 Gwasanaethau cynnal arolygon Gwasanaethau arolygu
79311300 Gwasanaethau dadansoddi arolygon Gwasanaethau arolygu
79311100 Gwasanaethau dylunio arolygon Gwasanaethau arolygu
79312000 Gwasanaethau profi marchnad Gwasanaethau ymchwil marchnad
79420000 Gwasanaethau sy’n gysylltiedig â rheoli Gwasanaethau ymgynghori ar fusnes a rheoli a gwasanaethau cysylltiedig
79320000 Gwasanaethau trefn gyhoeddus Ymchwil marchnad ac ymchwil economaidd; arolygon barn ac ystadegau
79996000 Gwasanaethau trefniadaeth busnes Amrywiol wasanaethau sy’n gysylltiedig â busnes
73000000 Gwasanaethau ymchwil a datblygu a gwasanaethau ymgynghori cysylltiedig Ymchwil a Datblygu
79311400 Gwasanaethau ymchwil economaidd Gwasanaethau arolygu
79310000 Gwasanaethau ymchwil marchnad Ymchwil marchnad ac ymchwil economaidd; arolygon barn ac ystadegau
79419000 Gwasanaethau ymgynghori ar brisio Gwasanaethau ymgynghori ar fusnes a rheoli
73220000 Gwasanaethau ymgynghori ar ddatblygu Gwasanaethau ymgynghori ar ymchwil a datblygu
79411100 Gwasanaethau ymgynghori ar ddatblygu busnes Gwasanaethau ymgynghori ar reoli cyffredinol
79410000 Gwasanaethau ymgynghori ar fusnes a rheoli Gwasanaethau ymgynghori ar fusnes a rheoli a gwasanaethau cysylltiedig
79400000 Gwasanaethau ymgynghori ar fusnes a rheoli a gwasanaethau cysylltiedig Gwasanaethau busnes: y gyfraith, marchnata, ymgynghori, recriwtio, argraffu a diogelwch
98200000 Gwasanaethau ymgynghori ar gyfle cyfartal Gwasanaethau cymunedol, cymdeithasol a phersonol eraill
79412000 Gwasanaethau ymgynghori ar reoli arian Gwasanaethau ymgynghori ar fusnes a rheoli
79411000 Gwasanaethau ymgynghori ar reoli cyffredinol Gwasanaethau ymgynghori ar fusnes a rheoli
73210000 Gwasanaethau ymgynghori ar ymchwil Gwasanaethau ymgynghori ar ymchwil a datblygu
73200000 Gwasanaethau ymgynghori ar ymchwil a datblygu Gwasanaethau ymchwil a datblygu a gwasanaethau ymgynghori cysylltiedig
66170000 Gwasanaethau ymgynghori ariannol, prosesu trafodion ariannol a thai clirio Gwasanaethau bancio a buddsoddi
79330000 Gwasanaethau ystadegol Ymchwil marchnad ac ymchwil economaidd; arolygon barn ac ystadegau
79300000 Ymchwil marchnad ac ymchwil economaidd; arolygon barn ac ystadegau Gwasanaethau busnes: y gyfraith, marchnata, ymgynghori, recriwtio, argraffu a diogelwch

Lleoliadau Dosbarthu

ID Disgrifiad
1023 Sir y Fflint a Wrecsam

Cyfyngiadau Rhanbarthol ar y Rhybuddion

Mae’r prynwr wedi cyfyngu’r rhybuddion ar gyfer yr hysbysiad hwn i gyflenwyr yn y rhanbarthau canlynol.

ID Disgrifiad
Nid oes cyfyngiadau ar y rhybuddion ar gyfer yr hysbysiad hwn.

Teulu dogfennau

Manylion hysbysiad
Dyddiad cyhoeddi:
11 Mehefin 2024
Dyddiad Cau:
12 Gorffennaf 2024 00:00
Math o hysbysiad:
Hysbysiad o Gontract
Enw Awdurdod:
Wrexham County Borough Council
Dyddiad cyhoeddi:
12 Awst 2024
Math o hysbysiad:
Hysbysiad o Ddyfarnu Contract
Enw Awdurdod:
Wrexham County Borough Council

Ynglŷn â'r prynwr

Prif gyswllt:
Cyswllt gweinyddol:
Cyswllt technegol:
Cyswllt arall:

Gwybodaeth bellach

Dyddiad Manylion
Nid oes unrhyw wybodaeth bellach wedi'i lanlwytho.

0800 222 9004

Mae'r llinellau ar agor rhwng 8:30am a 5pm o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau'n Gymraeg.

We welcome calls in Welsh.