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Rydym wedi cadw rhai ffeiliau o'r enw cwcis ar eich dyfais. Y cwcis hyn yw:

  • Hanfodol ar gyfer y safle i weithio
  • Helpu i wella ein gwefan drwy gasglu ac adrodd gwybodaeth am sut rydych chi'n ei defnyddio

Hoffem hefyd arbed rhai cwcis i helpu i deilwra cyfathrebu.

Rydych yn edrych ar fersiwn wedi'i ddiweddaru o'r gwasanaeth hwn - bydd eich adborth yn ein helpu i'w wella.

Dyfarnu Contract

HE1851 B4069 Lyneham Banks Repair Wiltshire Council April 2024

  • Cyhoeddwyd gyntaf: 01 Mehefin 2024
  • Wedi'i addasu ddiwethaf: 01 Mehefin 2024

Nid yw'r prynwr yn defnyddio'r wefan hon i weinyddu'r hysbysiad.

I gofnodi eich diddordeb neu gael gwybodaeth neu ddogfennau ychwanegol, darllenwch y cyfarwyddiadau yn Nhestun Llawn yr Hysbysiad. (NODER: Nid oes angen ymateb i Hysbysiadau Dyfarnu Contractau a Hysbysiadau Gwybodaeth Ymlaen Llaw fel arfer)



Cyhoeddwyd gan:
Wiltshire Council
ID Awudurdod:
Dyddiad cyhoeddi:
01 Mehefin 2024
Dyddiad Cau:
Math o hysbysiad:
Dyfarnu Contract
Mae ganddo ddogfennau:
Nac Ydi
Wedi SPD:
Nac Ydi
Mae ganddo gynllun lleihau carbon:


B4069 Lyneham Banks Repairs

In 2022 significant a significant landslip took place on the B4069 Lyneham in North Wiltshire. The resulting landslip dislodged around 90m of the existing carriageway downslope. The B4069 has been closed since February 2022 when the landslip took place, movements continued throughout the first part of 2022 until slowing significantly during the summer months.

The B4069 is a regionally important route providing connectivity between junction 17 of the M4 and North Wiltshire as well as serving several local communities. The road when opened normally takes around 5500 vehicles a day.

It is proposed to stabilise the slope with a contiguous piled embedded retaining wall with capping and upstand at the top. The proposed structure will be constructed on the northern side of the B4069 with a length of approximately 109m.

A in-situ reinforced concrete (RC) capping beam will be supported on a single row of 600 mm diameter bored concrete piles. The in-situ capping beam will be 1000 mm wide and 1500 mm deep structurally connected with the piles. The capping beam will be connected to tension micropiles to provide additional lateral ground support to the retaining wall.

A vertical infill parapet or edge restraint is also considered to be provided at this location. The new parapet may be installed in the verge or attached directly to the capping beam at the back of the verge. Highway works will include reinstatement of the carriageway, pavement, drainage, and kerbs. To provide improvement to the existing highway drainage system, it is proposed that the highway shall be drained by a combination of gullies, carrier/ collector pipes and catchpits. The proposed highway drainage will outfall to a watercourse north of the B4069 via a new culvert.

To ensure effective drainage of the site a number of land drainage measures will also be put in place on 3rd party land either side of the B4069.

The works will be designed and built in accordance with current standards and guidelines, and will include for all key aspects of highway construction – piling, earthworks, carriageway, drainage, signage, and hard and soft landscaping works.

Testun llawn y rhybydd

Hysbysiad dyfarnu contract

Canlyniadau'r weithdrefn gaffael

Adran I: Endid contractio

I.1) Enw a chyfeiriad

Wiltshire Council

Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road


BA14 8JN


Person cyswllt: Mr Dave Gillett

Ffôn: +44 1255713371



Cyfeiriad(au) rhyngrwyd

Prif gyfeiriad:

Cyfeiriad proffil y prynwr:

I.4) Y math o awdurdod contractio

Awdurdod rhanbarthol neu leol

I.5) Prif weithgaredd

Gwasanaethau cyhoeddus cyffredinol

Adran II: Gwrthrych

II.1) Cwmpas y caffaeliad

II.1.1) Teitl

HE1851 B4069 Lyneham Banks Repair Wiltshire Council April 2024

Cyfeirnod: DN697958

II.1.2) Prif god CPV



II.1.3) Y math o gontract


II.1.4) Disgrifiad byr

B4069 Lyneham Banks Repairs

In 2022 significant a significant landslip took place on the B4069 Lyneham in North Wiltshire. The resulting landslip dislodged around 90m of the existing carriageway downslope. The B4069 has been closed since February 2022 when the landslip took place, movements continued throughout the first part of 2022 until slowing significantly during the summer months.

The B4069 is a regionally important route providing connectivity between junction 17 of the M4 and North Wiltshire as well as serving several local communities. The road when opened normally takes around 5500 vehicles a day.

It is proposed to stabilise the slope with a contiguous piled embedded retaining wall with capping and upstand at the top. The proposed structure will be constructed on the northern side of the B4069 with a length of approximately 109m.

A in-situ reinforced concrete (RC) capping beam will be supported on a single row of 600 mm diameter bored concrete piles. The in-situ capping beam will be 1000 mm wide and 1500 mm deep structurally connected with the piles. The capping beam will be connected to tension micropiles to provide additional lateral ground support to the retaining wall.

A vertical infill parapet or edge restraint is also considered to be provided at this location. The new parapet may be installed in the verge or attached directly to the capping beam at the back of the verge. Highway works will include reinstatement of the carriageway, pavement, drainage, and kerbs. To provide improvement to the existing highway drainage system, it is proposed that the highway shall be drained by a combination of gullies, carrier/ collector pipes and catchpits. The proposed highway drainage will outfall to a watercourse north of the B4069 via a new culvert.

To ensure effective drainage of the site a number of land drainage measures will also be put in place on 3rd party land either side of the B4069.

The works will be designed and built in accordance with current standards and guidelines, and will include for all key aspects of highway construction – piling, earthworks, carriageway, drainage, signage, and hard and soft landscaping works.

II.1.6) Gwybodaeth am lotiau

Mae’r contract hwn wedi’i rannu’n lotiau: Na

II.1.7) Cyfanswm gwerth y caffaeliad

Gwerth heb gynnwys TAW: 2 742 725.00 GBP

II.2) Disgrifiad

II.2.2) Cod(au) CPV ychwanegol










II.2.3) Man cyflawni



II.2.4) Disgrifiad o’r caffaeliad

B4069 Lyneham Banks Repairs

In 2022 significant a significant landslip took place on the B4069 Lyneham in North Wiltshire. The resulting landslip dislodged around 90m of the existing carriageway downslope. The B4069 has been closed since February 2022 when the landslip took place, movements continued throughout the first part of 2022 until slowing significantly during the summer months.

The B4069 is a regionally important route providing connectivity between junction 17 of the M4 and North Wiltshire as well as serving several local communities. The road when opened normally takes around 5500 vehicles a day.

It is proposed to stabilise the slope with a contiguous piled embedded retaining wall with capping and upstand at the top. The proposed structure will be constructed on the northern side of the B4069 with a length of approximately 109m.

A in-situ reinforced concrete (RC) capping beam will be supported on a single row of 600 mm diameter bored concrete piles. The in-situ capping beam will be 1000 mm wide and 1500 mm deep structurally connected with the piles. The capping beam will be connected to tension micropiles to provide additional lateral ground support to the retaining wall.

A vertical infill parapet or edge restraint is also considered to be provided at this location. The new parapet may be installed in the verge or attached directly to the capping beam at the back of the verge. Highway works will include reinstatement of the carriageway, pavement, drainage, and kerbs. To provide improvement to the existing highway drainage system, it is proposed that the highway shall be drained by a combination of gullies, carrier/ collector pipes and catchpits. The proposed highway drainage will outfall to a watercourse north of the B4069 via a new culvert.

To ensure effective drainage of the site a number of land drainage measures will also be put in place on 3rd party land either side of the B4069.

The works will be designed and built in accordance with current standards and guidelines, and will include for all key aspects of highway construction – piling, earthworks, carriageway, drainage, signage, and hard and soft landscaping works.

II.2.5) Meini prawf dyfarnu

Maes prawf ansawdd: Quality / Pwysoliad: 40

Price / Pwysoliad:  60

II.2.11) Gwybodaeth am opsiynau

Opsiynau: Na

II.2.13) Gwybodaeth am Gronfeydd yr Undeb Ewropeaidd

Mae'r broses gaffael yn gysylltiedig â phrosiect a/neu raglen a ariennir gan gronfeydd yr Undeb Ewropeaidd: Na

Section IV: Gweithdrefn

IV.1) Disgrifiad

IV.1.1) Y math o weithdrefn

Gweithdrefn agored

IV.1.8) Gwybodaeth am Gytundeb Caffael y Llywodraeth (GPA)

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: Ydy

IV.2) Gwybodaeth weinyddol

IV.2.1) Cyhoeddiad blaenorol mewn perthynas â’r weithdrefn hon

Rhif yr hysbysiad yn OJ S:

2024/S 000-000314

Section V: Dyfarnu contract

Rhif Contract: HE1851 B4069 Lyneham Banks Repair Wiltshire Council April 2024

Dyfernir contract/lot: Ydy

V.2 Dyfarnu contract

V.2.1) Y dyddiad y daeth y contract i ben


V.2.2) Gwybodaeth am dendrau

Nifer y tendrau a ddaeth i law: 9

Nifer y tendrau a ddaeth i law gan BBaChau: 7

Nifer y tendrau a dderbyniwyd gan dendrwyr o Aelod-wladwriaethau yr UE: 0

Nifer y tendrau a dderbyniwyd gan dendrwyr o Aelod-wladwriaethau nad ydynt yn aelodau o'r UE: 0

Nifer y tendrau a ddaeth i law drwy ddulliau electronig: 9

Dyfarnwyd y contract i gr?p o weithredwyr economaidd: Na

V.2.3) Enw a chyfeiriad y contractwr

Octavius Infrastructure Limited

4th Floor, 45 London Road





BBaCh yw’r contractwr: Na

V.2.4) Gwybodaeth am werth y contract/lot (heb gynnwys VAT)

Cyfanswm gwerth y contract/lot: 2 742 725.00 GBP

V.2.5) Gwybodaeth am is-gontractio

Section VI: Gwybodaeth ategol

VI.4) Gweithdrefnau adolygu

VI.4.1) Corff adolygu

High Court of England and Wales

The Royal Court of Justice, Strand




VI.5) Dyddiad anfon yr hysbysiad hwn



Categorïau nwyddau

ID Teitl Prif gategori
45233123 Cerbydau trafnidiaeth ail law Gwasanaethau sy’n gysylltiedig ag adeiladu
45233130 Gwaith adeiladu ar gyfer priffyrdd Gwasanaethau sy’n gysylltiedig ag adeiladu
45233100 Gwaith adeiladu ar gyfer priffyrdd, ffyrdd Gwasanaethau sy’n gysylltiedig ag adeiladu
45233120 Gwaith adeiladu ffyrdd Gwasanaethau sy’n gysylltiedig ag adeiladu
45233220 Gwaith ar yr wyneb ar gyfer ffyrdd Gwasanaethau sy’n gysylltiedig ag adeiladu
45233142 Gwaith atgyweirio ffyrdd Gwasanaethau sy’n gysylltiedig ag adeiladu
45233139 Gwaith cynnal a chadw priffyrdd Gwasanaethau sy’n gysylltiedig ag adeiladu
45233221 Gwaith paentio wyneb ffyrdd Gwasanaethau sy’n gysylltiedig ag adeiladu
45233223 Gwaith rhoi wyneb newydd i lonydd cerbydau Gwasanaethau sy’n gysylltiedig ag adeiladu
45233320 Gwaith sylfeini ar gyfer ffyrdd Gwasanaethau sy’n gysylltiedig ag adeiladu

Lleoliadau Dosbarthu

ID Disgrifiad
100 DU - I gyd

Cyfyngiadau Rhanbarthol ar y Rhybuddion

Mae’r prynwr wedi cyfyngu’r rhybuddion ar gyfer yr hysbysiad hwn i gyflenwyr yn y rhanbarthau canlynol.

ID Disgrifiad
Nid oes cyfyngiadau ar y rhybuddion ar gyfer yr hysbysiad hwn.

Ynglŷn â'r prynwr

Prif gyswllt:
Cyswllt gweinyddol:
Cyswllt technegol:
Cyswllt arall:

Gwybodaeth bellach

Dyddiad Manylion
Nid oes unrhyw wybodaeth bellach wedi'i lanlwytho.

0800 222 9004

Mae'r llinellau ar agor rhwng 8:30am a 5pm o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau'n Gymraeg.

We welcome calls in Welsh.