II.2.2) Cod(au) CPV ychwanegol
II.2.3) Man cyflawni
II.2.4) Disgrifiad o’r caffaeliad
The University of Birmingham invites tenders for supply and installation of a
Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) magnetometer with a versatile
range of measurement options. The SQUID system and its measurement options will form
the Midlands Mag Lab, a state of the art magnetometry facility created with the support
of an EPSRC Strategic Equipment award. It will facilitate advanced magnetic materials
characterisation by academic and industry users in the Midlands region and beyond. The
equipment will be used to deliver new understanding of fundamental magnetic materials
properties, as well as developing new technologies that exploit the magnetic properties
of solids in the areas of quantum materials and technologies, energy materials and
sustainable materials and recycling. The broad user base and diverse range of materials
to be characterised with the equipment means that the equipment interface must be
user friendly and reliable.
General characteristics
A SQUID magnetometry instrument that can be utilised for high-sensitivity and high throughput DC magnetometry measurements of polycrystalline, single-crystal and thin film magnetic materials. The instrument can also be utilised in AC magnetometry
measurement mode. It is compatible with the range of measurement options as specified
in Sections ii - vii below.
i. The magnetometer should
1) Be a SQUID-based magnetometer,
2) Have a magnetic moment sensitivity of at least 10-8 emu at low fields and
at least 10-7 emu at the maximum field (see ii),
3) Measure a maximum magnetic moment up to 10 emu,
4) Enable measurement of samples of at least 5 mm in diameter,
5) Enable automated sample environment and measurement controls, with
capability for programmable measurement sequences,
6) Operate through a stand-alone software with a user-friendly interface,
7) Be a wet system that consumes less than 5 L of liquid helium per day with a
hold time longer than 10 days.
ii. The magnetic field environment of the magnetometer should
8) Be produced by a superconducting solenoid,
9) Have a field range of at least -7 T to + 7 T,
10) Have a field homogeneity better than 100 ppm over a typical scan length,
11) Have a maximum field charging rate greater than 500 Oe/s,
12) Have a remanent field no greater than 5 Oe when set to zero field after
applying the maximum field.
iii. The temperature environment of the magnetometer should13) Enable continuous operation at any temperature from below 2 K up to 400
K using a liquid helium based wet cryostat,
14) Have a temperature stability of 0.5% or better over the entire
measurement range,
15) Cool from room temperature to base in under 30 minutes.
iv. A low-temperature option should
16) Be a 3He fridge,
17) Have a base temperature of less than 0.5 K,
18) Have a temperature stability of at least 1 %,
19) Cool from room temperature to base in under 3 hours,
20) Have a base temperature hold time greater than 24 hours,
21) Have a recondensation time of less than 30 mins,
22) Be fully compatible with the software and operation of the SQUID
v. A high-temperature option should
23) Enable continuous temperature operation at all temperatures between
300 K and 1000 K,
24) Be fully compatible with the software and operation of the SQUID
vi. A low-field option should
25) Cancel the residual magnetic field of the superconducting solenoid magnet
to within 0.05 G of zero field,
26) Have a field resolution better than 0.002 G for applied fields in the range
of 20 G,
27) Be fully compatible with the software and operation of the SQUID
vii. An AC magnetometry measurement mode should
28) Have a response that is flat to within 5 % over the range 0.1 Hz - 1 kHz,
29) Have an amplitude of 0.1 - 10 Oe,
30) Have a magnetic moment sensitivity of at least 5 X 10-8 emu and accuracy
better than 1 %,
31) Have a phase angle accuracy of at least 0.5,
32) Be fully compatible with the software and operation of the SQUID
magnetometer, as well as the low- and high-temperature sample
viii. A high-pressure option should
33) Generate a maximum pressure of at least 1 GPa,
34) Generate minimal magnetic background to the measurement signal,
35) Enable measurement of samples with a diameter greater than 2 mm.
ix. A sample rotation option should
36) Enable 360 sample rotation in 0.1 increments
37) Enable automated control of sample orientation using a stepper motor for
sample rotation.
x. An electric transport option should
38) Enable AC/DC resistance measurements,
39) Supply a continuous current between 10 nA and 100 mA,
40) Have a frequency range of at least 0.1 Hz to 100 Hz,
41) Enable application of a magnetic field in parallel and perpendicular to the
bias direction,
42) Enable 2 and 4 wire measurements,
43) Enable magnetic measurements to be carried out with the same probe
while applying a voltage.
II.2.5) Meini prawf dyfarnu
Maes prawf ansawdd: Compliance to the Specifications
/ Pwysoliad: 60
Maes prawf ansawdd: After Sales and Technical back up
/ Pwysoliad: 10
Maes prawf ansawdd: Delivery and Training
/ Pwysoliad: 10
Maes prawf ansawdd: Sustainability and Environmental
/ Pwysoliad: 5
Maes prawf ansawdd: Standard Supplier Questionnaire (SQ) Part 1 and Part 2
/ Pwysoliad: 10
/ Pwysoliad:
II.2.11) Gwybodaeth am opsiynau
II.2.13) Gwybodaeth am Gronfeydd yr Undeb Ewropeaidd
Mae'r broses gaffael yn gysylltiedig â phrosiect a/neu raglen a ariennir gan gronfeydd yr Undeb Ewropeaidd: