Disgrifiad o'r contract
The Provider will need to:
Develop the Complex Needs Service across the Cwmtawe Cluster Network, identifying unmet need and be
the central point of contact for referrals to the service
- work with individuals from primary care settings to undertake initial assessments. Identify and co-produce
meaningful interventions to address identified issues with regard to domestic abuse, mental health and/or
substance misuse
- work with colleagues as an advocate for patients with complex needs across the Cwmtawe Cluster area to
identify and ensure all patients gave full and equitable access to help and support
- using a ‘Team Around the Family’ approach, lead and broker staff in specialist roles and from partner organisations to ensure effective outcomes
- to work with third sector providers and service commissioners to ensure that adequate quality
assurance/clinical governance/performance management systems are in place to underpin safe referral
- to implement procedures for signposting and referral to third sector and partner organisations underpinned
by sound information sharing protocols
- strengthen and develop links and pathways with other services including but not exclusively private sector
landlords and specialist providers to increase collaborative working
- work closely with local housing teams to ensure communications are clear and people who need help are
identified at the earliest opportunity
- help people to maintain their independence, health and wellbeing through innovative interventions that
fully recognise and incorporate each person’s strengths
- to participate in multi-disciplinary team meetings and input into clinical reviews as deemed appropriate
- to manage a budget which can be utilised to fund resources, community activities and therapeutic
interventions as identified
- to maintain accurate records and produce regular reports to ensure effective monitoring procedures
- to manage a case load