II.2.2) Cod(au) CPV ychwanegol
II.2.3) Man cyflawni
II.2.4) Disgrifiad o’r caffaeliad
Potential young people considered for the service will have a range of support needs, some of which will be complex support needs and require additional / enhanced housing related support because of:
Young people 16+ transitioning out of residential and / or foster care placements;
Transitioning out of care as a pathway to independent living; or
Where current models of accommodation / support are deemed unsuitable due to their risk factors or level of support required.
The needs profile of young people will feature multiple needs including but not limited to:
Trauma / Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs);
Attachment difficulties;
Linguistic barriers;
Specific cultural or religious requirements;
A limited support network outside of professional support and/or targeted 3rd sector community support;
Risk taking behaviours associated with absconding;
Vulnerable to exploitation with features of unsafe relationships, exploitation, and financial vulnerability;
Additional complex needs including poor physical or mental health, or substance misuse etc.
The service will deliver support to young people which aims to offer customised, flexible, innovative practical and emotional support to young people in accordance with their individual support needs and will include:
Support in accordance with the young person’s agreed outcomes.
Support to help the young person develop independent living skills to better enable them to feel empowered and more able to live independently.
Support to furnish a safe, secure and supportive environment for the young person.
Emotional support through befriending and mentoring.
The Service Provider will deliver support to young people to complement and fit around individual young person’s needs and their personal schedule, which will include support delivery during evenings and weekends.
The Service Provider will deliver support sessions through multiple or one off interventions based on individual need and will encompass the delivery of individual 1:1 and / or group based sessions as appropriate.
Underpinned by a trauma informed approach to support, the Service Provider will design and deliver age appropriate support that has been designed to meet the needs of young people which encompasses:
Life Skills
Engagement in learning, training or employment
Social inclusion and community integration
The Service Provider will provide a range of bespoke support for young people which can include but may not be limited to:
Support to develop skills so they can manage tenancies;
Support to develop personal support networks and other networks in the community;
Support with acquiring, developing and maintaining life skills, for example support with meal planning and preparation, laundry and cleaning, domestic life skills etc;
Support, supervision and monitoring of general health and wellbeing;
Support to develop social skills and behaviour management;
Support with acquiring, developing and maintaining links with the community;
Support to deal with correspondence;
Support to identify and apply for appropriate benefit entitlements when relevant;
Support to pay bills, arranging direct debits and assistance with budgeting/financial issues;
Support directed towards educational achievements, work experience, employment and volunteering to improve the employability prospects of Young People
Support to access sport and other recreation facilities;
Advice and support in dealing with neighbour issues;
Maintaining safety at the accommodation and advice on security in the home, including personal security, when required.
General emotional support;
Resettlement and move on advice and support;
Support to contribute to the design, delivery and management of the Service.
Off-site support such as assistance to attend appointments, shopping etc.
Other support as appropriate to the Service.