Hysbysiad contract
Adran I:
I.1) Enw a chyfeiriad
Ambition North Wales
Ambition North Wales
Llandudno Junction
LL31 9RZ
Person cyswllt: Sara Jones
Ffôn: +44 1248672323
E-bost: sarajones@uchelgaisgogledd.cymru
Cyfeiriad(au) rhyngrwyd
Prif gyfeiriad: https://ambitionnorth.wales/
Cyfeiriad proffil y prynwr: https://www.sell2wales.gov.wales/search/Search_AuthProfile.aspx?ID=AA0361
I.2) Caffael ar y cyd
Caiff y contract ei ddyfarnu gan gorff prynu canolog
I.3) Cyfathrebu
Mae'r dogfennau caffael ar gael ar gyfer mynediad uniongyrchol anghyfyngedig a llawn, yn rhad ac am ddim ar:
Gellir cael gwybodaeth ychwanegol o'r cyfeiriad uchod
Rhaid anfon tendrau neu geisiadau i gymryd rhan yn electronig at:
I.4) Y math o awdurdod contractio
Awdurdod rhanbarthol neu leol
I.5) Prif weithgaredd
Arall: Growth Deal
Adran II: Gwrthrych
II.1) Cwmpas y caffaeliad
II.1.1) Teitl
Fund Advisory Services for Ambition North Wales Clean Energy Fund
Cyfeirnod: SLEF – FSA – ER02-2024
II.1.2) Prif god CPV
II.1.3) Y math o gontract
II.1.4) Disgrifiad byr
We are seeking suitably qualified and experienced Fund Advisor Services for our Clean Energy Fund. Our 2025 Clean Energy Fund will aim to support initiatives across North Wales which: - help achieve renewable energy and decarbonisation targets - have an element of local ownership The Fund will also help unlock private and community investment in new energy projects
II.1.6) Gwybodaeth am lotiau
Mae’r contract hwn wedi’i rannu’n lotiau:
Gellir cyflwyno tendrau ar gyfer pob lot
II.2) Disgrifiad
Rhif y Lot 1
II.2.1) Teitl
Third Sector Fund Advisor services
II.2.2) Cod(au) CPV ychwanegol
II.2.3) Man cyflawni
Prif safle neu fan cyflawni:
North Wales
II.2.4) Disgrifiad o’r caffaeliad
Ambition North Wales is seeking to procure a competent and experienced Fund Advisor(s)* for the Third Sector and Private Sector sub-funds. The tender consists of two separate lots for the provision of the Fund Advisor services for the two sub-funds, as per:
-Lot 1: Third Sector Fund Advisor services
-Lot 2: Private Sector Fund Advisor services
As such, bids will be received for Lot 1 and Lot 2 separately. If a bidder is bidding for both the Third Sector and Private Sector sub-fund Fund Advisor services, they will need to submit separate responses to the required technical and commercial questions for lots 1 and 2.
The Fund Advisor services for Lot 1 and Lot 2 both comprise the following two distinct stages of work:
-Stage 1: The first stage will involve supporting the development of the investment strategy for the sub-fund and assisting with preparation for launch.
-Stage 2: The second stage will focus on advisory support to operate the sub-fund during the deployment period.
Progression to stage 2 of the contract is dependent on:
- 3.1.1. performance in stage 1 of the contract, and
- 3.1.2. Economic Ambition Board’s approval of the Fund Investment Strategy, Fund Management Plan and Fund Communication and Engagement Strategy that will form part of Ambition North Wales’ Full Business Case submission.
II.2.5) Meini prawf dyfarnu
Nid pris yw’r unig faen prawf dyfarnu a dim ond yn y dogfennau caffael y mae’r holl feini prawf wedi’u nodi
II.2.7) Hyd y contract, y cytundeb fframwaith neu’r system brynu ddynamig
Hyd mewn misoedd: 36
Gall y contract hwn gael ei adnewyddu: Ydy
Disgrifiad o’r adnewyddiadau:
possible extension of two years
II.2.9) Gwybodaeth am y cyfyngiadau ar nifer yr ymgeiswyr a gaiff eu gwahodd
II.2.10) Gwybodaeth am amrywiadau
Derbynnir amrywiadau:
II.2.11) Gwybodaeth am opsiynau
II.2.13) Gwybodaeth am Gronfeydd yr Undeb Ewropeaidd
Mae'r broses gaffael yn gysylltiedig â phrosiect a/neu raglen a ariennir gan gronfeydd yr Undeb Ewropeaidd:
Rhif y Lot 2
II.2.1) Teitl
Private Sector Fund Advisor services
II.2.2) Cod(au) CPV ychwanegol
II.2.3) Man cyflawni
Prif safle neu fan cyflawni:
North Wales
II.2.4) Disgrifiad o’r caffaeliad
Ambition North Wales is seeking to procure a competent and experienced Fund Advisor(s)* for the Third Sector and Private Sector sub-funds. The tender consists of two separate lots for the provision of the Fund Advisor services for the two sub-funds, as per:
-Lot 1: Third Sector Fund Advisor services
-Lot 2: Private Sector Fund Advisor services
As such, bids will be received for Lot 1 and Lot 2 separately. If a bidder is bidding for both the Third Sector and Private Sector sub-fund Fund Advisor services, they will need to submit separate responses to the required technical and commercial questions for lots 1 and 2.
The Fund Advisor services for Lot 1 and Lot 2 both comprise the following two distinct stages of work:
-Stage 1: The first stage will involve supporting the development of the investment strategy for the sub-fund and assisting with preparation for launch.
-Stage 2: The second stage will focus on advisory support to operate the sub-fund during the deployment period.
Progression to stage 2 of the contract is dependent on:
- 3.1.1. performance in stage 1 of the contract, and
- 3.1.2. Economic Ambition Board’s approval of the Fund Investment Strategy, Fund Management Plan and Fund Communication and Engagement Strategy that will form part of Ambition North Wales’ Full Business Case submission.
II.2.5) Meini prawf dyfarnu
Nid pris yw’r unig faen prawf dyfarnu a dim ond yn y dogfennau caffael y mae’r holl feini prawf wedi’u nodi
II.2.7) Hyd y contract, y cytundeb fframwaith neu’r system brynu ddynamig
Hyd mewn misoedd: 36
Gall y contract hwn gael ei adnewyddu: Ydy
Disgrifiad o’r adnewyddiadau:
Possible extension of two years
II.2.9) Gwybodaeth am y cyfyngiadau ar nifer yr ymgeiswyr a gaiff eu gwahodd
II.2.10) Gwybodaeth am amrywiadau
Derbynnir amrywiadau:
II.2.11) Gwybodaeth am opsiynau
II.2.13) Gwybodaeth am Gronfeydd yr Undeb Ewropeaidd
Mae'r broses gaffael yn gysylltiedig â phrosiect a/neu raglen a ariennir gan gronfeydd yr Undeb Ewropeaidd:
Section III: Gwybodaeth gyfreithiol, economaidd, ariannol a thechnegol
III.1) Amodau ar gyfer cymryd rhan
III.1.2) Statws economaidd ac ariannol
Meini prawf dethol fel y’u nodir yn y dogfennau caffael
III.1.3) Gallu technegol a phroffesiynol
Meini prawf dethol fel y’u nodir yn y dogfennau caffael
III.2) Amodau sy’n gysylltiedig â’r contract
III.2.2) Amodau perfformiad contractau
See documents for details
III.2.3) Gwybodaeth am y staff a fydd yn gyfrifol am gyflawni’r contract
Rhwymedigaeth i nodi enwau a chymwysterau proffesiynol y staff a glustnodwyd i gyflawni’r contract
Section IV: Gweithdrefn
IV.1) Disgrifiad
IV.1.1) Y math o weithdrefn
Gweithdrefn agored
IV.1.8) Gwybodaeth am Gytundeb Caffael y Llywodraeth (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement:
IV.2) Gwybodaeth weinyddol
IV.2.2) Terfyn amser i dendrau neu geisiadau i gymryd rhan ddod i law
Amser lleol: 10:00
IV.2.4) Ym mha iaith/ieithoedd y gellir cyflwyno tendrau neu geisiadau i gymryd rhan
IV.2.6) Yr isafswm cyfnod gofynnol i’r sawl sy’n tendro gynnal y tendr
Hyd mewn misoedd: 3 (o’r dyddiad a nodwyd i dendr ddod i law)
IV.2.7) Amodau ar gyfer agor tendrau
Amser lleol: 10:00
Section VI: Gwybodaeth ategol
VI.1) Gwybodaeth am ailddigwydd
Caffaeliad cylchol yw hwn:
VI.3) Gwybodaeth ychwanegol
Please see documents for further details
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at http://www.sell2wales.gov.wales/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=144060.
The buyer has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via the Postbox facility. A user guide is available at http://www.sell2wales.gov.wales/sitehelp/help_guides.aspx.
Suppliers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems.
(WA Ref:144060)
The buyer considers that this contract is suitable for consortia.
VI.4) Gweithdrefnau adolygu
VI.4.1) Corff adolygu
High Court
Royal Courts of Justice, The Strand
Ffôn: +44 2079477501
VI.5) Dyddiad anfon yr hysbysiad hwn